
Become a Member

Become part of the Community, as a member, you will receive special benefits while directly supporting the APEX's mission. All membership levels include unlimited visits.


The APEX Museum relies on the support of people like you to provide the essential service of teaching African-American to the community, volunteer today.

Our Staff

Hung Vinh
Guest Experience Designer
Ms. Debra Collington
Kyler Winston Kendricks
Gallery Manager / Tour Guide
Tahsina Nasir
Intern Research Specialist
SaNiya Warren
Intern Archivist / Marketing Specialist
Natalie Rojas
Musical Event Coordinator
Marie Richards
Executive Assistant to the President
Ms. Lisa Kendricks
Gallery / Gift Shop Support
Artina Michelle
APEX TV Network Lead & EP/Film Archivist
Felix Waller
General Maintenance / Exhibit Installations